London: The Visiting Patient

In the early 70s I was working in a small hospital just off Covent Garden Market. This was the time when it was a 'proper market' and not rows of little shops with street entertainment blocking their entrances. After an hour commuting I was ready for my breakfast, a cuppa of tea and an egg and bacon sandwich in a cafe just around the corner from the hospital. This gave me a chance to recover from the trip and stop my stomach complaining before getting to work. This stop over also allowed me to read a few more pages of the latest penguin classic I had picked up for 10p at a street kiosk just off Holbein station.

Eventually I headed in the direction of work, as I rounded the corner of the hospital I first noticed two black stretch limos parked and taking up the whole front of the hospital. This unusual sight was a little surprising but not as surprising as when I turned to go up the stairs to the entrance and eyed standing on the top steps either side of the doors two gestalts dressed like a mashup from the film Men In Black and Aladdin.
I stopped and starred up at them.
Almost immediately I regretted the stare as they were also looking down at me, well I think they were it was difficult to tell due to their shades. I realised this ten second standoff couldn't go on and started up the steps looking straight between them fully focused on pushing the doors open and entering without losing momentum.
I half expected two Scimitars to appear from nowhere and block my way or even worse, but nothing happened. Either I was quicker than I thought, or they had instructions to prevent bloodshed wherever possible. Before I had time to asked our receptionist what was that outside 'all about', I realised I had to include the inside 'all about'.

In the reception area was a scene straight out of the Arabian nights.
There was about twenty appropriately robed woman sitting around murmuring with each other with fleeting glances at any new comer entering the building.
I think I was being scrutinized but I couldn't really tell at the distance I was from them. And the distance was going to stay that way as I realised there were two more representatives of MIB standing in the rear.

I saw our chief lab. technician coming down the corridor and went over to him. Wide eyed I made a cranial gesture in the direction of the murmuring. He made a simular gesture direction the Labs and as we headed back along the corridor he brought me upto date.

Dr. R had a visitor for a private consultation. The Sheikh, with a long unpronounceable instantly forgettable name, had flown in from SA for his regular visit and this time brought his harem along for some sight seeing and shopping afterwards. Just as we approached the stairs there were another pair of Aladdin's almost blocking the way.

After a couple of hours I heard that his Highness had left gathering up his bodyguards and harem and after packing them into the limos had headed for Harrods.
A couple of days later there was delivered three enormous baskets with exotic fruits. These were put in the common room and Dr. R informed us that they were from the Sheikh and everybody could take some.
That day we all had vitamins to eat while heading home.

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