Story: The Pickup

orward: First a few words to the background and original recipient of this, for a better word, story which is to follow. I meet C at the end of the seventies here in Cologne at a 'neu musik' concert where a piece of his was being played or reproduced or constructed whatever. Over the years we got together for curries, painting his flat, concerts and general silly talk usually in October. Why October, not really sure, we wouldn’t see each other that often, but if I was to plot our contacts over the last 30 odd years they would variably fall in said month.
Over the years what started as a silly talk session became our contact signature code/phase. It has all to do with three shirts that where ready to be picked up at his Chinese laundry. It’s still as silly now as was then, but it is always "worked in" to our emails and calls, rare as they are.
A while back, I was in the office and a colleague pocked his head in the door - fortunately it was open - and said I have a call and remarked that he was asked not say who it was. I hesitated a moment, I looked at my watch - middle of October - I was primed to what was coming. Although it was at least two years since last contact we went straight into our repartee.
Following the preliminaries he told me of a concert in November he was giving while taking a sabbatical. For the last six years he has a chair in electronic music in Santa Barbara. As he was in town he wanted to kill a curry. After the killing he was off to China to give a workshop, to India for family business and then returning for the concert.

Well after the curry and while he was away I thought I would see if I could spin our silly intro into an even sillier story and presented it to C after the concert. Well below is the result. No feedback from C but this is not unusual, maybe in October...

ackward: You may want (or not) to wiki some of the references. They should be valid in some way or other. If you feel the need to comment on anything please do but only if your questions/remarks are weirder that the content or references.
In keeping with modern day “gadgetonomaties”, if there is such a word. I've added a PDA with a difference and an Imp which is not always helpful. Both should keep the dialogue moving and get me out of tight spots I’ve written myself into.
Note that this was written in 2009 and PDA's were still around and not completely over taken with the diverse hand held multimedia communication devices that followed.

The Þarty:
Narrator (mostly human)
Ympe his Imp (mostly demonic)
Abigale his PDA (mostly sentient)

I pulled my cloak tighter. It was a dark and cold night with no summer in sight. The rain had at least stopped. Crazy shapes reflected in the pools by the roadside. I glanced down at my PDA and tapped the screen for the umpteenth time until the display flickered back to life.
Having it possessed was nerving me. Since Ympe had found a backdoor into the device I had no end of trouble with Abi holding conversation with her uninvited house guest and distracting her from my requests. The screen cleared to a devilish grinning visage where the street map should have been.

Get out of the way! I want to see where we are and stop using up all her CPU, she’s sluggish at the best of times.
Hey I can't help it! She keeps baggering me about Anann for some reason! I'm getting bored, download for me a Waite pack. Where are we anyhow?
You tell me, you're sitting on top of the GPS in there.
No way am I going to look at that. I was never good at heights, underground is my thing not the dizzy heights of satellites!
Oh, just move over..

I started to wonder if the ‘D’ in PDA should stand for Demonic. As the map appeared I could see that I was still three blocks away. As I headed off I reflected on the incident that morning and why I was out on a cold wet night.
A projectile had sailed through the open window of my office landing in my cuppa tea. On returning to my desk, after scanning the street below for the culprit, I removed the object which turned out to be a very soggy fortune cookie. On opening I recovered a slip of paper with what looked like an address and a cryptic message.

Wangs WashieUpie
Xìngyùn Bǐnggān St. 3211
23:58 pickie up 三件衬衫

I wasn't entity sure where this was leading but following a scrambled phone call from a Chinese restaurant in Pisa and the cookies first pictograph I had a number of clues to go on.
I glanced again at the screen; it was covered in Tarot cards.

Hey! No more apps! I'm fed up with clearing up after you.
Okay, okay I'll tidy up, and what can I do for the master?
Don't start your genie routine, it doesn't become you! Before I left I uploaded my copy of the 'Liber Abaci', check if it’s lying around.
A mo. yep here it is. Why do you need a 13th. Century tome in a language you can't read?
Not entirely sure at the moment, maybe a classical mathematical sequence of premonitions.
A what?
Leave it, just go and clear up. And no more laying the cards with Sēvikā.
Who is Sēvikā? I thought her name was Abi!? Ah! now I understand..
I said leave it!
Okay, okay ..

Another block to go and it started to rain again.
I turned the corner and there it was. A desolate shop front on a deserted street. The only indication that I could read maps was the sight of a neon sign hanging over the doorway saying ‘Wangs WashieUpie’ with the ‘Washie’ part of the sign buzzing and flicking as in classical film noir.
I glance around and crossed the street. There was something funny about the house number. It didn't exactly match the one on the cookie message..
As I approached, the noises of the distant traffic exited stage left and my tinnitus moved stage front. I tried the door, even before it’s reluctance to move hit my cortex motorius primus I knew full well it was locked.
Typical. I looked around, no door mat or flowerpots visible in the gloom so it meant I had to find the back door. There was a dingy alley to the left of the shop and even dingy'er one to the right.
I toggled the PDA search light, set it to tight beam and turned left.
The display flickered and Ympe appeared with oversized sunglasses.

What are you up to? Blinding us like that!
Keep it down! I'm going round the back and I need a light.
You could have at least given us warning!
I said quiet! And what’s this 'us'!
Watch yourself with Abigale, she’s a cloud wanderer and has strange connections to higher regions. Also she downloaded herself, I had nothing to do with it so just beware..
Oh!.. but she can't be..

I muted. The last thing now was to be distracted with a discussion on hybrid savant AL.
I turned the corner and entered the alley. My tinnitus went from white to pink. I raised the beam and moved on hesitantly. I expected any moment the obligatory alley cat to suddenly appear, snarl, knock the dustbins over and disappear into the night.
Fortunately I managed to reach the back of the shop without a feline fracas.
I found a sodium lamp bathing a long sliding metal service entrance door in its yellow light. I tried to move it but it wouldn't budge either. Now what! I went over the possibilities, I wasn't happy with my conclusion but I saw no other way out or in this case way in.
I un-muted and tapped the screen. I could hear vaguely hip hop music in the background.

Hey, here's the Man, what's up dude?
Turn down the music, take off the shades and pay attention. Load the tri-corder app and scan the building for signs of encrypted low power sources.
Forgot your key again..
Noo, just get on with it.
Um, I'm picking up noise with arrhythmic fluctuations just in front of the door, their weak and scrambled.
That’s my tinnitus! Try again.
Oh-kaay, there's a cluster of data entry points just left of the door.
Interesting, it has a biological component maybe bionic.
?... I'll take a deco while you go and update that app, it must have a bug.

I moved and discovered a small rust coloured rusty box with a faded outline of what looked like a rabbit on the cover. It opened with a squeak and a mouse fell out leaving exposed a grimy hardly readable keypad and over it, a glowing dim red light.
Ah! Now this was getting interesting..

23:55:05 The PDA display time showed I had just less than three minutes left to figure out how to get in.
The question is a four or six figure sequence? Four is too obvious, six would be the best bet. A minute is not a long time to try out that many combinations and permitations but I would try first the first four numbers of the sequence.
Time was slipping slowly away, soon it would go oh so quickly.
23:58:00 The light turned orange. Ok here goes.
I tapped in 1123 hit # and waited..
I tapped in the numbers again and added the next two numbers from the sequence, hit # and again waited..
The orange light went out and came flicking back on again. Ah! it showed it wanted at least a six figure number! But still the code was incorrect. Now what!
23:58:12 The sequence must be the key, leading zero? No not normally documented. Maybe reversed?
Of course the house number of the building! I knew there was something about it! Maybe it wasn't written incorrectly after all.
I tapped the PDA screen – no response.
23:58:16 I tapped again. One of Abby’s avatars appeared. I thought I heard a vina and chanting. She looked vaguely like Saraswati, ok maybe not. It was probably the stress, but those arms..

Namaske Sēvikā. Whats Ympe up to?
I gave him something to read about Śamādi ṣatka sampatti. Shall I get him?
No, it’s you I wanted. Please display the first 12 numbers of the sequence, also in reverse. I need them as a visual reference.
Coming up.

23:58:21 The numbers appeared on the display.
Back at the keypad from the reversed sequence I tapped in 853211 and hit the #.
Again nothing! In Leonardo's name what was I missing!
23:58:30 Maybe it needs an offset! But what could it be..

Quickly now, scan Leonardo’s work and tell me where the sequence is first described.
Starting on page 283 and finishing on page 284
Your welcome boss.

22:58:49 Page 283! This is far too long for an offset!

May I suggest numerological reduction?
2+8+3 = 13 and 1+3 = 4
Excellent idea! Ok a four..

22:58:55 So, reverse sequence with an offset of four, that is ending with a 5.
In went 211385#. I held my breath as the orange light went out and started to breath again when it came back green.
The door lock gave a reluctant click, hesitated a moment and then with a slugish silence slid open leaving a black void. As I shone the light into the shop the beam disappeared into the gloom.
With nerves now on edge I expected anything from here on in.

As Ympe was occupied I entered the activation code for the tri-corder and stepped over the threshold. To my surprise the scan showed the place to look at least like a Chinese laundry. I detected a power source with two unusual signatures and their spectrums were shifting with increasing intensity..
To my irritation, before I could analyse any further, the light beam turned diffuse until I realised it was my glasses steaming up.
It had instantly turned hot and humid.
Something had happened.
I glanced at the screen. The date and time zone were now 14th. August 1900 CST!
I turned round and peered out onto an unfamiliar skyline.
The PDA lit up and Abigale appeared unperturbed as always.

There has been a Shift with a topological and chronological vector. I've adjusted my display status accordingly.
Thank you, are you still connected?
Yes, the nano wormhole is very weak, 2.87 Mbps, but stable.
Check location and events for this period. I'll deploy a transponder as I have the feeling we have to go out.
By the look of it, the orange sky is not from street lights.
Downloading exact location and event data..

In the distance there was the noise of what I thought was gunfire.

Please don't tell me I just heard gunshots!?
Analysing sound byte..
That was a volley from rifles of type Hanyang 88.
It is the Boxer uprising. We are in Beijing in the near from the foreign legations. The siege is almost underway..
Interesting, I'm picking up a transponder signal other than our own and in this world line event!?
Ypme, drum up an appropriate map of the area and add the co-ordinates from Abigale..
Your past catching up with you, or is it the future?
.. back here and so soon ..
By the look of it the source is the British Legation just off Big Street.
Abby plan a route, add marauding bands and display.
Ypme get out here! I need you up front to reconnoitre.

The screen cleared and a maze of alleys and streets appeared, yellow monster-like icons indicating the marauding bands as they moved slowly about. An icon looking very much like a Pac Man indicated our location. The ideal route flicked and wiggled like a snake due to continuous updating in real time. The distance was not more than 85 meters as the Peking duck flies but by the look of it the route would not be a direct one.

We moved off. Ympe to the next corner while I eyed the map. Then if clear we set a pace to the next corner. Timing was everything.
This repeated itself a dozen times before we were in sight of Big Street. The British Legation was a part of a larger complex surrounded with what looked like a fortified wall.
Ypme wasn’t his typical red colour.

Are you okay?
No, Shifts are not good for my kind. Had no time to cast a protection spell.
Same here, it’s like continuous freefall in four directions at the same time.
Now what.
Find the entrance to the compound. Abi any luck?
Here’s the gate.

I scrutinised the updated map, the nearest entrance was now blinking red. After checking for marauding bands in the vicinity we moved on. The gate was shut and of course no keypad. I recalled the address. I knocked three times in rapid succession, paused, repeated and again paused, knocked twice followed by a single knock.
I waited. Nothing.
I was just about to repeat when..

The transponder, it’s moving!

I again waited. Eventually a hatch opened in the gate before me.
Now what? I had a hunch and only one try. I whispered “Wangs” into the gapping void and then held my breath as the stench emulating was abominable.
Suddenly a brown paper parcel tied up with string appeared. There was no more time to lose, I grabbed it and ran remembering to start breathing again. We retraced our steps as far as the yellow monsters in the display would allow. Ympe was losing more of his colour and taking longer at each move.
I realised that the marauders were not marauding about randomly any more.
Abi appeared..

Boss we should move it, the storm on the Legations has began. Also on analysing the patterns of movement detection is indicated.

I looked at Ypme and edged him on. We turned a corner and there was the back of the shop as we had left it.
I heard a commotion behind us, closer than was healthy.
I made a bee line to the keypad and hit the # key.
The light went from green to red and the door started to close.
For dramatic effect I hurdled myself through the diminishing gap landing flat out just as the door shut and a salvo ricocheted off it.
I just lay there in the dark my tinnitus almost deafening.

Abigale, scan please.
Nothing broken, good idea to land on the package.
He’s back with me..
Keep an eye on him until his colour returns to normal.
Will do.

It was instantly cold again, a glance on the screen showed that we were back.
Reluctantly I got up clicked the PDA light on and surveyed the room. This exit was definitely now sealed so I headed towards the front. There was dust everywhere the place hadn’t been used in years or was it centuries.
After unbolting the front door I was soon out on the street taking in a familiar skyline and soundscape.
Back in the office following a hot cuppa and what was left of the Peking duck I opened the parcel fully knowing what I would find.
I headed for the couch, too whacked to go home.

I awoke to ‘Om Aing Saraswatyai namah’ and thinking I’ll have to talk to Sēvikā about her origins.
I realised that something was amiss. The parcel was gone and a laddu had replace it.
As I chewed, I read the sticky message I had found inside.

True friendship comes
when the silence between two people
is comfortable.

Sometime later..

Boss, I've just found two requests for pickups which I have no recollection of arriving!
One is for three serkrs located somewhere in Holyrood, Edinburgh.
The other, three tongaks from the Patrang Marpo part of the Potala complex, Llasa.
Interesting, can you trance the sources?
Analysing.. I could follow as far as .. you wont want to believe this.
Try me.
Nevada! Plumb in middle of officially nowhere, except..
Don’t tell me, let me guess, there’s a number involved that happens to be the birth year of your boss.
Spot on! Just before the restricted area notice and death warnings popped up, I caught an echo of the trace, direction West Coast, any help?
It fits..

I reflected on the recent incident and what would be in store if I took the bait. Both locations were intriguing. I'll leave Llasa for later as I will have to do some research before going.

Abi book a flight to Edinburgh and while you’re at it get Ypme to download Robbie Burns version of Auld Lang Syne, the 1711 Watson edition. Can we expect a Shift?
Not stipulated in the contract conditions therefore I expect locked to the present.
Good! No extra baggage for period costumes. Just in case see that we have local denominations covering the last two centries.
Locate Ympe, I take it you tagged him before he left you?
Sure did. His signature is coming from the cellar. Also I’m getting sporadic paranormal readings close by!

I found him with chalk in his hand finishing off a pentagram on the floor. An ancient grimoire was open next to him emitting an unearthly light. I heard mumbling, I hoped it was Ympe and not the tome.

What on earth, and under it, are you up to?
Nothing in particular, just keeping my hand in.
Never know what we will be confronted with in the highlands.
Madam is not the only one that can keep tabs, mine are a lot older and..
Okay, you don’t need to ‘spell’ it out.
When you’re finished here, pack for light reading on the plane my Bardo Thödröl, the Evans-Wentz 1927 edition.
Maybe also his book on fairy faith?

I wondered if there’s a connection here somewhere, probably not..
Time will tell...
To miss quote Holmes:

“the game is ashirt”

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