Background to Blog

This blog is made up of posts of diverse content, windows on antidotes, situations and experiences over the many years on this planet. The posts are grouped roughly to one of the 'Categories' listed on the right side bar. As with most blogs, new posts appear chronologically. My posts are not clocked to the day when they were posted (like a diary) but to the time they were written or happened. Therefore a newly posted post may appear earlier on the timeline and not automatically at the top. A number of the posts are extracted from my paper based Chronicle that I distributed sporadically to a few friends over the years.
At the end of 2016 I went into retirement, and following an episode in hospital I decided to write it up and with a Christmas card send it to the friends I made through 26 years of working in Clinical Research.
After some positive feedback ..
[Ed: yes dear reader there was some feedback, but not all positive, more
'We think you should go and see a'

.. I decided to get up to date and place the stories in the blogosphere.
This allows everyone to read them without me having to remember what stories I sent to whom. As with other blogs, any new additions will be pushed to the reader if they enter an email address.
All the stories and situations are basically true, that is sometimes I have added a dab of poetic license, but very little. Some are so bizarre that I didn't have to add anything.

Please note: There are no names of anyone mentioned in the posts, only initials if needed to keep characters apart.
[Ed: and telephone numbers, social security IDs, passport..]
Stop that!

Also, so that the face recognition algorithms out there don't get the chance to tag anybody, there are no pictures of anyone mentioned in the stories, this includes me apart from one as a child.
I was wondering if I needed a disclaimer and looked around  and found one I liked and adapted it to blogging.
"These posts are based on fact. Any similarity with fictitious events or characters are purely coincidental."
Leave comments if you will and any corrections to [Ed:]

Please also note: As I have spent more than five sevenths of my life in Germany, my English has been somewhat 'degraded' with German grammar over the years.
Also I might add being dyslectic hasn't helped matters either.
[Ed: don't you mean dyslexic?]
See what I mean!?
I'm not excusing myself in anyway, just bear this in mind when reading..

[Ed: Jan. 28th 2020]

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