Leaving Work - December 2016

My last day in the company was a bit weird. The month leading up to it were hectic, working like mad on two projects in parallel. Now looking back I have no idea why I drove myself so!
I was trying to get the pre production phase paperwork finished and approved before handing them over to HK. He still had to go back and work on them in the new year after I had left anyway. I should have realised that it would happen. But no, I was just pushing myself into my 'get it finished what ever it takes' mode!
Typical me!
And there I was in the office on my last day, it was late about 11 o'clock and that was it, I just stopped. I did a backup, logged off and turned off the main power switch to the computer. Coat on, turned out the light and listened to the traffic outside for a moment. Went and turned off the copiers returned to collect my two potted trees and said a ‘goodbye’ to the big one which H had said in so many words was not to leave the office direction home.
How that tree had survived since our first premises I have no idea!

As only the emergency lighting was on and the botanic I was carrying was blocking my view somewhat, I went carefully down the corridor to the kitchen. With difficulty turned the coffee machine off due having my hands full. Retraced my steps, round to reception deposited the trees on the counter and went and turned the answering machine on for the last time. Checked if any lights were still burning, collected the trees and left.

I almost thought of signing out but JB would have got mad at me as I hadn't signed in 26 years earlier when we started the company anyway..
As I said, all a bit weird and still somewhat unbelievable a year on.

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