Home: Paperwork - August 2003

Just got back from England after two weeks of clearing out physically as well as emotionally mum's house. Even after “stopping” all post as far as possible in January this year, we had difficulty in getting into the hall after opening the front door.
The post had been methodically piled up from the neighbour in “post to be dealt with” “post to be scanned then thrown away” and “post that’s just taking up space”.

Catalogues for this, that and the other were thrown back into the post box marked with a [+]. I’ll be interested to see if this will work when we go over again.
Have to get round to probate and mums tax returns, we have a couple who want to by the house (brother of Mum's next door neighbour), therefore we don't need an estate agent.

They are expecting in Feb. 2004 of course they want to get in before hand. Can't say if this will work out, will see.

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